2008 Texas Whitetail and Exotic Review
The 2008 fall season was an unforgettable year! Even with the economic doubts, 5 Star Outfitters held strong with a 35% over all growth. The 5 Star Team prides themselves in customer service, dedication, determination, and class.... and it shows! You have a choice in the hunting industry and we want to be at the top of your list. Our goal is not to be the biggest hunting operation in Texas. Our goal is to be a premier hunting destination that consistently produces quality trophy animals, accommodations, and service for our clients. Our 85% repeat clientele is a testimony to our dedication!
Of the 50+ deer we killed this year, 25 of them scored above 150 B&C. Our four largest deer scored well over 200 B&C - with the two largest deer scoring 225 3/8 and 252 4/8 B&C. Here's the kicker - the 252 4/8 monarch will go down in the record books as the largest deer ever killed in Texas with a bow as well as the largest whitetail recorded in 2008. Feel free to view this incredible deer leading Texas's largest whitetail contest @ http://www.loscazadores.com/. The 2009 forecast should have us harvesting 30+ deer scoring over 150 with the potential of harvesting 10 deer over 200 B&C!
We also harvested over 35 trophy exotics. Most of the exotics killed were in the gold medal class, and several of these trophies will score high in the record books. One of our largest trophy exotics was a 45" Scimitar Horned Oryx bull that officially scored 100. We also killed a red stag that scored a whopping 442 which should be the largest stag harvest in 2008 and will be in the top 3 ever killed in Texas.
Please view our monthly specials to take advantage of all our spring and summer hunting deals.
The 5 Star Team would like to give a special THANK YOU to all of our clients - you're the reason for our success!!